/ Whom We Serve / Clergy

By donating to the Clergy Fund you will give hope to our clergymen and their families!

Whenever we are in need our clergy answers, but who answers their needs? An important part of the Fund for Assistance's mission is to making sure our priests are able to continue serving God and taking care of their families, by alleviating their financial burdens. Your prayers and donation have made the photo and stories on this page possible. This past year alone your donation have funded medical bills, moving expenses, continued clergy education, and given hope to our clergy and their families!

The Kaplanov's Medical Bills
In 2018 Fr. George's matushka, Matushka Marina, experienced serious complication with her second pregnancy. It quickly became obvious that Matushka could not receive the medical help she needed in Costa Rica. With the blessing of our Metropolitan, the family moved to New Jersey, where Matushka gave birth to a healthy son, George. Without healthcare the Kaplanov's were struggling to pay their medical bills. You made it possible for the Kaplanov to receive much needed financial support!
Helping the Lardas' Move
Fr. George was invited to move to the growing parish of St. George's, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Without your support Fr. George would not have been able to move, to support the St. George's ministry. In Fr. George's own words "Your gift gave our parish two lines for confession, two lines for Communion, and a safe resting place for our family. May God bless you most abundantly!" -Archpriest George Lardas
Sponsoring an Orthodox Lecture Series
Starting in Winter 2017 Father Seraphim Chemodakov began an educational Orthodox lecture series, for laypeople. The lecture series was so popular that Fr. Seraphim wanted to tape the lectures and make them accessible to the ROCOR community, at large. Your donations to the clergy fund made this spiritually educational project possible!
Deacon Andrei's PhD Bestowment
Summer 2019 you made it possible for Fr. Andrei Psarev to travel to Belfast, Ireland, for his PhD degree bestowment. This was the culmination of 10 years of hard work and adds Fr. Andrei to the rank of PhD holding professors, at Holy Trinity Seminary. With this degree Fr. Andrei will bring a new level of expertise to Holy Trinity Seminary, enriching the education of current and future seminarians. Click on the image above to read more about Dcn. Andrei's journey to Belfast.
Fr. Foti Attends Graduate School
Fr. Foti had never considered attending graduate school but when he found out there was a scholarship, made possible by FFA donors, he decided to enroll. You've made it possible for Fr. Foti to attended graduate school, at Holy Trinity Seminary, where he was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, in November 2018. In Fr. Foti's own words "So many thanks to you all for your generosity, and for remembering me in your prayers!"
Focus: Clergy
Church canons give us a direct command to support our clergy materially,
as they in turn support us spiritually, helping us in the most important moments
of our lives.

The Fund for Assistance seeks to support our Clergy in providing the following:
  • Supplemental Income
  • Pension Plan
  • Medical Insurance
  • Vision and Dental Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Long-term Care

Fund for Assistance to the ROCOR
P.O. Box 272
Glen Cove, NY 11542

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