Shy Soprano Matching Drive
/ News / 2019 / Shy Soprano Matching Drive

Shy Soprano's Message:

“Let’s see if church directors and singers can call out “Lord have mercy” by shipping some quick cash to priests who have lost their jobs in this pandemic so that they can keep calm and pay some bills.

You can do this via the Fund for Assistance, whether at or by check to FFA. You can increase the visibility of choirs in our churches if you mark them "Church Singers’ Initiative".

To jump-start this, I would like to write a check for an alarming sum for my Names day in May, accompanied by the following message of solidarity.

Message to clergy:

  • We church singers and directors stand with you in church at every service.

  • We also serve the church out of love, not money.

  • We stand with you now in this financial crisis.

  • Accept this small help with our prayers, both sung and silent

FFA has done so much for Russian Orthodox Music conferences. Now, let it be our turn.

A soprano

Please join Shy Soprano today and support our heroic clergy during this pandemic!

Fund for Assistance to the ROCOR
P.O. Box 272
Glen Cove, NY 11542

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